воскресенье, 25 июля 2010 г.

Все учат английский!

You know you've been in the Netherlands for too long when...

1/ You have a bike
2/ Walking from your faculty to the cafeteria has become unimaginable. You take your bike, even if it's for 50 meters
3/ Eating 7 slides of bread for lunch doesn't scare you anymore
4/ By the way, you stopped eating warm lunch. You just eat bread
5/ You don't cheat on the train, because controllers are EVERYWHERE
6/ You used to use cash all the time, but now you have a pin card
7/ You think ducks are cute
8/ As soon as the sun pops out, you make a barbecue, even if it's 10°C outside
9/ You think 15°C is warm
10/ You don't remember what a moutain looks like
11/ You still don't know how to speak Dutch. But your English has improved
12/ You know what Surinam is. And where it is
13/ You never go out without your bike lights
14/ You think butter in a bottle is normal
15/ You know that all the guys are in Delft. And the girls, everywhere else, especially Leiden
16/ You've been to a flower park, and thought it was cool
17/ You don't even bother to ask "do you speak English?", you just speak English right away
18/ You know how to repair a bike
19/ You always check the weather before leaving home
20/ You know what it is being late and having to wait for a boat to cross the bridge
21/ You can drink milk at any time of the day
22/ Sometimes, you only drink milk as lunch
23/ You have tried karnemelk at least once
24/ You start liking dropjes
25/ For you something sweet means straubwaffels
26/ Being tall gets a new meaning
27/ Blonde is back to being a hair-color, not a concept
28/ you have 4 seasons in one day
29/ you can start a mail to your teacher who happens to be a doctor by "yo, wassup doc" (exaggeration can get the message through)
30/ You know that kapsalon is not a typical turkish dish, but a hairdresser
31/ You find it easier to find a good joint that a good coffee
32/ You have the AH bonus card
33/ Your windows have no curtains, and you don't care
34/ If your windows have curtains, you don't use them, and just don't care who might be looking at you
35/ For you, light rain is not rain
36/ Professors write a "well done" comment in your assignment and still grade you with a 6
37/ 10°C is warm enough to wear a short or mini skirt
38/ You can ride your bike in the rain, wind and even snow
39/ guys are very cute
40/ you can ride your bike wearing skirt (if you're a girl), a suit or even high heels (if you're a girl)
41/ When you start having strong opinion even if you vaguely know the topic
42/ You learn to bike without using your hands on the handle
43/ You go to the market and you only buy the stuffs that fit in you bike
44/ Riding a bike and driking coffee/smoking/eating lunch at the same time is not a problem any more
45/ You reformulate the saying "if you drink, don't drive" by "if you drink, don't ride"
46/ You've been asked where the coffeeshop is
47/ You start wearing orange during soccer events, even when you're not dutch
48/ You get used not to use napkins when eating. You just eat dirtily.
49/ You can never predict the weather and can not believe the weather forecast anymore
50/ You wait for the light to go green before crossing the street, even if there is no car
51/ You run to Albert Heijn at 21.55 to get some beer for the party that night
52/ Trees planted in straight rows/ aka the forest/ seems normal
53/ You think you understand why they don't serve coffee at coffeeshops (but you're not sure yet)
54/ You steal a bike at the station because the night before someone stole yours
55/ You use 9292ov.nl to go to the supermarket
56/ You know that the wind blows in your face regardless of the direction in which you are biking
57/ When you move out of your appartment, you know you might have to take the floors with you
58/ You need an appointement to talk with your friends. Or your mother.
59/ You enjoy making tourists jump off the bike path
60/ You paid more for the lock of your bike than for the bike itselft
61/ Real bread? You've made your peace with it. It doesn't exist
62/ You know that the Netherlands doesn't have a special dish. They just fry everything
63/ You know getting a couch will be difficult because it doesn't fit through the door. Windows maybe?
64/ You're ok spending Queen's Day in the train because people are walking on the rails
65/ Yap, Joost and Jeroen are the names of most of the Dutch guys you know
66/ when the sun pops up all your Dutch friends are wearing beach flip flops
67/ Dutch people ask you why don't you speak Dutch?
68/ You still don't speak Dutch but watch silly Dutch TV shows like Take me out and Single
69/ You have been in a relationship with at least one Dutch person
70/ When your boyfriend invites friends over for dinner and then he asks them to pay for the food (2.50!!!) with internet banking!!!
71/ When you wear a skirt and cycle...and you no longer care if the wind is blowing ur skirt up...
72/ when you start thinking guys wearing 5 litres of gel are super cute and not gross as they were at fist
73/ when orange color becomes your most favorite color
74/ When getting an average of 5 letters a day from goverment offices doesn't surprise you anymore...
75/ when you can ride a bike ,walk the dog and hold an umberella without falling off....
76/ You are immobile without bike
77/ when going uphill to the beach doesn´t seem strange to you anymore
78/ When you intended to learn Dutch language and after one year you realize that you know only "alshtublift"
79/ When (as a girl) you dump your handbag on the ground wherevere you are: public transport, school, home...
80/ When you go to your own country for some days and you are missing the three kisses
81/ when the people that work in the cloth shops ask you to do not try the clothes because they are closing (even though it's 10 min to 5)
82/ you can move out from your old house to the new one using only your bike! it can hold you bed, sofa, table pc...
83/ When you can ride one bike with three drunk people on it and make it home!!!
84/ don't forget to make appointment before making appointment
85/ when 15 km biking a day becomes as ordinary as
86/ when you think it's normal that raining horizontally becouse of so strong wind

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